Ontario Vaping Bylaws
Posted on 13 December 2017
You must be 19+ years of age to purchase any vaporizers and/or vaping accessories. As of this moment, this is the only restriction for vaping in the province of Ontario. There are currently no laws against vaping indoors such as bars, restaurants, hotels, etc unless specified by the individual establishment-- it is still frowned upon vaping in public indoor areas so please be mindful of your surroundings; it is always polite to ask if you are unsure! Please keep in mind that we should not tarnish the good name of vaping so we should all respect the laws and regulation wherever we are.
The Ontario Government has delayed plans for a more aggressive stance against the regulations of vaping; this bill is expected to be completed by early next year. The Federal Government has not yet imposed any restrictions regarding the use of vaporizers or the sale of vapes and/or vaping accessories in Canada.
Within Toronto, Vaporizers are treated in the same way as regular cigarettes. Please keep in mind although many establishments do not specify whether the use of vaporizers is appropriate, you should still avoid using it at all times unless stepping out for a ‘vape break’!
Our goal at NYX ECIGS is to advocate this movement to improve one’s life for the better. To promote a healthier alternative from a traditional cigarette to people who are in need of in bettering their health in the most affordable and effective way possible. At NYX ECIGS, we have received over 15,000 positive reviews from people who have made the switch from smoking to vaping. Smoking being the most important preventable cause of cancer in the world, please join us in spreading the word.